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Exterior view of the Fulham Boys School

Morgan Sindall Construction progresses work on Fulham schools

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Morgan Sindall Construction is delivering two major renovation projects at Fulham College Boy’s School and Fulham Cross Girl’s School.

Both schemes are being delivered for the Department for Education (DfE) under the Southern Construction Framework (SCF), a quality-managed collaborative construction framework for public bodies to procure major building works using a two-stage open book process to deliver best value.

At Fulham Cross Girl’s School, the project team has demolished an old 1970s science block and is delivering a state-of-the-art science building and gymnasium with bespoke science labs, staff rooms, offices and a double-height gym.

The main gym will complement the all-weather outdoor facilities, with associated changing rooms, storage facilities and offices, and capacity for a variety of indoor sports including hockey, netball, dance, and rowing machine activity.

The first phase of works at Fulham College Boy’s School included the construction of a brand new two-storey science block, providing the school with six new teaching labs.

The second phase of works began at the start of the year, focusing on the extensive refurbishment of the Grade II listed Kingwood building in order enhance teaching provisions for the school’s transition to a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) specialist academy.

Both projects saw the use of temporary modular classrooms to house students away from the works in order to minimise disruption as much as possible to the overall learning environment.

Morgan Sindall Construction has also held a variety of community engagement initiatives during the project period, including a fish and chip supper at a neighbouring elderly care home and completing small DIY projects for nearby residents through local charity Fulham Good Neighbours.

A Women in Construction day was held at Fulham Cross Girl’s School in order to try and break down some of the misconceptions of the construction industry, and the company held numerous career events and interview preparation days for both cohorts of students to aid the transition between school and higher education or work.

Richard Dobson, Morgan Sindall Construction area director for London, said: “We are proud to be working closely with the Department for Education on both Fulham Cross Girls’ School and Fulham College Boys’ School on this series of important projects, helping to reshape the local area into a hub of excellence for STEM subjects.
Morgan Sindall Construction is dedicated to strengthening the communities that sit at the heart of its projects, and we are pleased to have been able to offer six apprenticeships and eight summer placements across the two sites.”

The first phase of works at Fulham College Boy’s School was completed in January 2020, two weeks earlier than expected. While the second phase of works looks to complete in Spring 2021, Fulham College Girls’ School new block is expected to hand over in Spring 2020.